Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Final Exam

1. The project of mine that was most successful would have to be my first project that involved my text as element.  With this project I think I did a pretty good job with using multiple things to pull it together and look pretty great.  I used color, lines, and texture. Also instead of just using one medium I used 3, which includes water colors, paint, and sharpies.  I started off with just using one, which was sharpie.  I used the sharpie for lyrics to different songs that I adore and that have shaped me in my life and in the end it worked really well because it made it look like lights that were coming off from the stage.  I then put paint in to make hands in the air as if they were rocking out to the concert, or "devil worship hands" (: as Mr. sands would say.  Then I needed a stage so I put one in with water colors with lights on the stage.  After doing all of this I think it turned out really awesomely.

2. I would definitely say that the Jane Goodall project gave me the most obstacles to overcome.  This is mostly because I really had no idea what I was doing the whole time, trying endlessly to make it look finished, each time thinking that it needed something extra.  So I guess the main obstacle here would be to actually finish it, wish is not what you would expect.  I overcame this obstacle but not giving up which i think is always a great thing to do.   I kept on pushing through with more and more ideas until I felt it looked complete.  The main risk for doing this is that I could mess up by adding something and have regrets, which did happen. But, luckily each mistake I made caused for better things as I tried to cover up the problems.

3.  One project that really made me grow as an artist was the redo project.  This was an obvious one because the whole purpose of this project was to grow. I grew with materials because instead of being ordinary and lame and just using paint I used cool things like spray paint and water colors. This also worked on my artistic skills because I had never used spray paint and water colors like this so it really helped me in that area. I also think it pushed my creativity because I have never seen a piece exactly like that.  The next project that really pushed me was the intertextuality because when I did it and thought I was finished my eyes were open by Mr.sands that it was nowhere close to being done.  I had to learn to make it look better with technichs like shading and making things darker.  This made it look 10 times better and really helped me as an artist. 

4.  Having the choice to actually choice what we were doing instead of being told was such a brilliant idea. It was alittle scary at first because it actually made us think but scary things are always the best.  It really taught us to be ubers creative and be like real artists. For examples with the text as element I was really happy about dong that project because i got to do something that i really loved. Also, the intertextualtity was awesome because i got to also zone in on something I love which is Disney stuff.  This new way of teacher is amazingly cool.

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